Down & Out on a Thursday
I see I’m not the
only one at this
diner who brought a notepad and pen.
his drawings are
better but I have made
the better order.
By Dillon cranston
When I say, I’m in love!
And my friends murmur
I do not love that for him.
Well, why not me? Just yesterday,
I said I had met someone –– my friend asked,
They call me
“a serial dater”
even the ones
who are in love,
accuse me for trying
they say: you should work
to be content on your own
–– aren’t they insane?
For thinking a person
can subsist on himself.
So forgive me, if I meet someone
new & and my hopes become high...
Really, forgive me.
I am actually sorry.
yellow paper school bus
passes through the window
and returns to falling rain.
chocolate bar crescendo
once I thought
I had got a golden ticket
and what if this story
doesn’t have a happy ending?
Anything could happen.
This is what I love,
and that’s what
frightens me.
My hair only exists
to be cut by her.
O, when shall I let it down?
She once asked to be spread
out in the garden, to be nearer
to the cats and I cried
into the covers.
She told
me: in this life,
we are travelers
some of the time
(old Buddhist
I know that somewhere in time,
I am screaming and crying,
somewhere being born,
somewhere else
petting Jojo, somewhere,
where I love,
she is swimming through
blue waters, her body painless,
suspended in
I even said to my friend:
“I wonder if it’s not unattractive
for a guy to tell a girl
how he’s feeling.”
She replied:
“Wait what?”
I think
bell hooks
would have
burst out
I want to ask the
fellows working
if they are mad at me.
I have been here quite
a while, now. Everyone
who was seated, when I
arrived has left.
I keep refilling
my own water,
and zoning out,
staring at the other
patrons, eating.
I will ask for
another cup of coffee.
Either they are mad,
or I will receive it,
either way,
my heart
might explode.
Alright, alright,
when it stops raining,
I’ll leave.
When I can unwedge my
foot from my mouth,
I’ll go.
But...I wore all my layers
today, and filled all up
on chocolate chip
No way I fit through
the door.
I actually know someone here...
I saw her at an art show...
didn’t know she
had a boyfriend...
I’m prettier than her,
tell me why
my raincoat
is the cleanest
thing I own?
I’ll go.